2022 Fixtures are now on the 'Fixtures' page

Club Sponsors
please support them by clicking on Image
2023 License Application
The online booking for 2023 requires full payment for meetings . We will no longer take FaceBook bookings.
If you don't book in online, and turn up on the day there will be an additional fee of £5 late entry and the risk of class being full.
Race fees are non-refundable without a doctors note if you book out after Thursday before the meeting.
You will also incur an admin fee of £5 if you book out after the Thursday deadline.
In the event of the meeting being cancelled, your payment will be carried over to the next meeting or refund can be given.
You will need to register on GoRaceMX which only takes a few minutes. All details are secure and only avaiable to the organising club. You do not need to give your address, just put a dash (-) in.